Rocky sleeping with Barry on the living room floor.

Rocky and Barry wrestling.

Rocky sleeping on the living room futon in the sun.

Close-up of Rocky sleeping on the living room futon in the sun. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky out for a walk in the neighborhood. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky showing his true colors in Crockett, Texas. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky and I backlit as the sun is setting in Crockett, Texas. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky on some school playground equipment in the neighborhood. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky sniffing Barry.

Rocky still sniffing Barry.

Rocky asking Barry to get off his futon.

Rocky with Barry and Mike in the garage.

Rocky and I out for a walk in the neighborhood. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky and I out for a walk in the neighborhood. Nice poop bag. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Still walking with the poop bag. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky only bites when he is playing, like here with Mike. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky sleeping on a stool in the living room. [photo by Barry Zelt]

Rocky sleeping on the living room futon which Barry would also like to sleep on.