Rocky has found three new places in the house he likes to spend a lot of time.

He likes to snooze during the day on this chair in the living room.

He seems to be very comfortable.

And this chair seems to be a perfect size for Rocky.

Deep sleep.

When Rocky yawns his ears turn side ways.

The second new place is on this box I set up for him in the front upstairs bedroom. From here he can watch the yard, sidewalk and street out front.

He spends a lot of time looking out this window, day and night.

The third new spot is on this table in the front upstairs bedroom! He can get on the table from the box via the window sill seen in the previous picture. From here he has a clear view out the window.

Taking a break from looking outside to look at me.

Resting under the futon sofa in the living room.

Looking out the 3rd floor bedroom window.

Sleeping in the sun in his favorite chair in the living room.